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Holland Monday Mindfulness Meditation Sangha - Virtual

  • Body Heart Mind 653 Michigan Avenue Holland, MI, 49423 United States (map)

MINDFULNESS MEDITATION SANGHA: Mondays, 6:30-7:30 PM, March 7 – March 21; April 11 – May 23. Sangha is the word used for community in Pali, the original language of the mindfulness teachings. This is an opportunity to meditate together, and to learn and grow together. The hour includes a short talk on a mindfulness topic, meditation practice and space for optional sharing. This group has been meeting together since November, 2020. There are those who joined then and those who joined recently. There are those who have an established meditation practice and those who are just beginning. This is an invitation to try the group on any Monday, to come once, once in a while or make it a regular thing. Please message me at With Heart Forward to ask any questions and to receive the Zoom link. Welcome!

Earlier Event: June 23
Morning "YogaMo"